NEW Collection and a PROMO CODE! 

Well hello there! 

The winds have been blustery out here at Garbarino Acres! The rain has managed to almost weigh down the last of the fall reds and yellows and the bare articulated branches are announcing the coming winter.

I snuggled in last week, made some fires in the wood stove and kept the fortress going while Bruno worked out of town. 

Monday was fuelled by zeal and long lists.  Enamoured by a run in the mountain, I worked on a set of canvases that I had prepped the week before. I tried new things, worked with a tight palette and I fell in love, again. By Friday, I was ready to burn the house down and sell the dog, cats, chicken and children.

But back to painting…

Believe it or not, before each new series is born, there’s a long dance that precedes it. One where doubt and scorn are the main characters. One where laziness and “oh what’s the point” are the choreographers, and fear is the lighting director… always casting that unflattering blue light in my eyes. 

But once I wash all my brushes, run some hot water and scrape my glass palette, all those melt away. They are replaced with curiosity and bravery, each touch of the knife or the brush emboldening me. Just a little. 

And then it all disappears again and the doubt comes back…. Disappears…..Resurfaces…. Evaporates. re-emerges. Until you are exhausted and dirty and have nothing left. 

the floor is a mess and dinner was suppose to be made hours ago.  You secretly wish for a studio wife. But then remember that YOU are the studio wife!

 There are casualties. Not all paintings in a series are good. There are some that don’t make the cut. That are Dead 2 Me. But I guess that’s always the case. 

You never write anything important without deleting full sentences, WHY should it be any different with painting? 

And that’s how you make a collection folks. This is not something I’ve read in books, or heard on a podcast. It’s my own process. One I’ve invented. 

And to celebrate having faced all those meanies in my head, I offer you guys a special promo code for your next art purchase! 

UNTIL 10-31-2016 ENJOY 15% OFF YOUR PURCHASE! Enter promo code EARLYBIRD15 at checkout and maybe you get to cross off a gift from you to you? Shop now for the October Gardens Collection



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